DSNC Residents and Stakeholder Organizations,
I want to personally thank all DSNC members, downtown and east downtown residents, stakeholder organizations, Mayor Parker, Chief of Police - McClelland, HPD Internal Affairs - Zera, HPD Captain - Bennett, HISD Trustee - Stipeche, Senator Ellis and State Representative Coleman for your tireless work and efforts to ensure that the DSNC has support, tools and resources to address needs and concerns of our community. It is our goal to solve for issues that will free up local government to concentrate on other priorities.
I'm pleased to report some the 2012 DSNC achievements:
-Exposed a state-wide problem relative to Developers exploiting rules and subsidies - DSNC featured in the San Antonio Express
-Hosted 24 Chinese delegates (at the request of the Mayor's office) who were in Houston to learn about the management and development of cities
-Approved the Hamilton Apartments mixed income project
-Began the work with Ms. Crocker to address freight line noise complaints
-Approved 2720 Leeland revitalization
-Addressed noise complaints at Preston and Louisiana
-Assisted with the writing of the Super Neighborhood Alliance Bylaws
-Attended neighboring civic club meetings
-Elected DSNC Officers
-Recruited new DSNC members
We are fortunate and proud to serve you. Happy Holidays!